ASIC’s Mission: 

To support Asian stakeholders in becoming agents of their own empowerment and, through collaboration, create pathways for seafood improvement that account for the social, environmental, and traceability challenges facing the region.

Grant Project Goal(s):

To assess and improve black tiger shrimp fisheries in Vietnam and Indonesia that supply the wild caught broodstock to produce seeds for culture.


Currently, black tiger shrimp fisheries are considered “overfished” by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), but there is very little actual sustainability assessment information available or direct efforts to help them improve.

Immediate Objective(s):

To utilize the ASIC fishery improvement protocol to assess and improve the sustainability of black tiger shrimp fisheries.

Key Learnings:

Learn more at Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative (ASIC)


BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BC CAHS)


City University Hong Kong